Spring in Big Bend

As we all continue to deal with indoor confinement, we’re still finding ways to get outside for exercise, and in our case, primarily by bicycle. Spring here in Big Bend doesn’t know that it’s under a “shelter at home” order, and so it follows its normal pattern of the seasons. This year the wildflowers are far less spectacular than in years past, but we’ve managed to capture a few signs of spring by taking a camera with us while riding through the surrounding desert. Here are a few images that made us smile this past week:


IMG_6965 ocotillo cactus

Dog Cholla:

IMG_6970 flowers dog cholla

Purple Prickly Pear:

IMG_6982 flowers purple prickly pear

Strawberry Pitaya:

IMG_6979 flowers strawberry pitaya cactus


IMG_7034 bluebonnets flowers

Another sure sign of spring is the mating ritual of wild turkey. These gobblers were “struttin’ their stuff” just off the Post Road near town:

P1110400 turkey

P1110427 turkey

Not far away, pronghorn antelope had moved closer to town with fewer humans out and about to scare them away:

P1110370 pronghorn

P1110366 pronghorn

And finally, this roadrunner decided to play “tag” with my camera, staying just far enough ahead of me to elude posing for a decent photo:

P1110453 roadrunner

It’s spring…get outside whenever you can for sun and exercise. It will brighten your spirits and get you away from that computer screen! Stay safe and well.

Published by texasflashdude

Photography and Travel, specifically adventure travel and backpacking in remote North America, give me an excuse to stay outside. If kayaks, bikes, backpacks, Jeeps, archeology, geology and wildlife can be included, all the better. Having spent my life working in the fashion and photography industries, I love the unusual, the spectacular, and the beautiful. God has given us a wonderful world in which to live, and I try to open others’ eyes to its wonders. I have shared nearly 50 years of this indescribable wonder with my wife, Jodie, and we go everywhere together. I hope you will share some of our journey with us.

11 thoughts on “Spring in Big Bend

    1. It is a great place to be. However, the national park as well as Big Bend Ranch State Park are now closed. We’re actually very happy about that. We’ve been getting a lot of out-of-state visitation, even after the county declared a “shelter at home” order and closed the hotels and motels, so now with the parks closed, we’re a lot more secure. There’s plenty of time for visitation after the crisis is past. Everyone needs to stay home for now.

  1. What a great collection of images: flora and fauna both. I used to think the Tom turkeys on old English dinnerware were overdone; surely they couldn’t be that impressive! But they are, and your photos are so good. I enjoyed the cacti, too. I’d hoped to visit Enchanted Rock this spring, before it gets too hot. Maybe that still can happen, but more likely not.

    We’ve experienced the same thing with our beaches that you have with Big Bend. Galveston is a magnet for Houstonians, and the crowds became so large there was nothing for it but a total closure. The same first steps — sending RVers away, closing hotels, and such — wasn’t doing a thing to reduce the crowds. I did grin when I read about the proposal to set up checkpoints on the Galveston causeway to keep assorted urbanites off the Island — haven’t heard any more about that proposal!

    1. I love E-Rock, and the entire area nearby. Used to go rock climbing there many years ago…I need to go back now with a camera so I can appreciate it for its beauty.
      I’m sure it was a challenge to get the beaches cleared, as this thing hit right in the middle of Spring Break. Flashing signs are set up on the outskirts of town saying “Nat’l Park Closed – Motels Closed – B&B Closed- RV Closed – No Camping” and people were still driving past them without reading and being turned away at the entrance, then with no place to stay, driving home the same day. FINALLY the roads are empty and only traffic is locals.
      Happy Easter. Better days lie ahead!

        1. I had not heard of the Allred book until now. Very intriguing.
          With the growth of Austin and San Antonio, E-Rock has become so terribly crowded that I’ve avoided it for years. I’m sure its history, and pre-history, is fascinating. I hope you get to go when things open back up.

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